Friday 17 May 2013

Project: Big Fishes' Carnival at The Lake

"You don't always have to start with a quote." - anonymous

If you happen to recognize the title project and feel like you have read it somewhere, then you might have stumbled upon my Figment account. As of now it consist of seven chapters which are totally unrelated to each other, yet. It was supposed to be quite a big project in my life and I am now trying to posts all the chapters in this blog, and possibly continue the project in this blog instead.

For those who have no idea what's happening, or found the title extremely awkward, fret not: I feel the same. The project title was made of nonsense, but if we are to think hard enough we can actually make sense out of it. So if you have free time (well I guess if you don't, you won't be reading this in the first place), please continue reading the analysis.

A carnival is often what people are looking forward to. In it there was excitement, interaction, fun and games, good food and drinks, and it usually ended with a grand finale by which all eyes will be fixed on the short-lived, energetic paintings on the sky, for example. In a carnival there is supposed to be nobody sitting in the corner blaming himself for all he has done; every single person are to forget their problems for a moment. It is meant for fun.

Big fishes find it harder to go against the current. While humans are more interested in fishing a bigger fish, in the river they don't have much to survive against fishermen; only moving predictably forward doesn't help at all. However, in the lake there is no current: every fish has a freedom to choose where to swim to. Their freedom are so beautiful to behold that many found it astounding just to look at them swimming in harmony. Freedom is appreciated.

So in this project, I want all of you to have fun reading, while giving you the freedom of thinking about "why" and "how" regarding parts of the story that is left untold. All in all, this project may be unclear at first, but in the end everything will be connected, one way or another, illogically or barely logically. I hope all readers find these chapters as exciting and worth your free time.

"I really don't have a quote." - Kygrykhon

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